Travel Day

Today’s the dayyyyyy!!!

It started with me going to bed at midnight (which I usually do) but then waking up at 2:45am to start my day! From there, I drove to Stockton to leave my car with my parents, and I then drove 1.5 hrs with my dad and brother to San Francisco international airport! Unfortunately, I was still 2.5 hrs early for my flight, so I grabbed a coffee, listened to a new episode on my podcast, and scrolled mindlessly on Instagram. 

Next was a 4 hr 55 minute flight (which was delayed as usual-shout out United) and then an hour layover in Washington DC before boarding my 7 hr 25 minute flight to Brussels (which was also delayed and overbooked-United) 

I was exhausted from my minimal sleep, so I took some Benadryl hoping it would make me sleepy for my long flight…it. did. not. I got some intermittent sleep, 30 minutes at a time, but was so uncomfortable in my economy seat with no leg room. Especially since they had no overhead space (again-United overbooked) so my big backpacking backpack was by my feet and didn’t fit under the seat 🙈 I swear these seats are getting smaller and smaller. I really don’t think I’m that big of a person…but who knows!! Maybe it is me getting bigger! I wish my wallet was getting bigger too so I could afford an upgrade, butttttttt it’s not. 

Fast forward to my 4 hr 45 minute layover in Brussels. Immediately upon transferring to my next terminal, I found a lounge and checked in! 50 euros for their sunrise lounge, and it was PERFECT! Included a huge breakfast bar with specialty coffees, drinks, alcoholic beverages, showers, spacious seating and ambiance, and even private rooms for sleeping!!! Best sleep I got, even after being doped up with Benadryl and then drinking a coffee 😆but honestly, you can easily spend $8 on a coffee and $20 on a terrible airport sandwich. For $22 dollars more, you might as well get all you can eat/drink and a private space. 10/10 experience. 

Last flight, 6 hrs 55 minutes to Sierra Leone on Brussels airline. Window seat! Decent seeming plane, nice flight attendants, but my seat mate definitely hogged the arm rest and dominated that shared space. I miss having Garet as my seat mate…because that basically meant I had two seats! I’d lift the arm rest, use up his leg room, lay on him, and take up space. Instead I felt I had to make myself small. Luckily, I slept MOST of this flight! It wasn't until the last 40 minutes of the flight I woke up in a hurry to try and finish my orientation packet with "homework" in it before landing!

Once we landed, it was pretty easy! 25+ other people who were starting with Mercy Ships that week were also flying in at the same time. I found the group all wearing "crew" shirts and from there, we began our journey to the ship. A short 20 minute shuttle to the ferry, then 45 minute ferry ride, 35 minute car ride, and finally onboard! To then take our badge photos (really?!?! after that long travel day?!?!) begin our paperwork, and finally get to our rooms around 11pm. 

Total Travel Time: 35 Hours

Current podcast: our fake history

Current audiobook: his needs/her needs.

Current physical book: outlander. And also my orientation packet. 

Movies watched: Barbie. Old. 


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