
 This is about a patient girl named Ruth. 

This strong, sassy teenage girl who stole all our hearts. She was one of the first patients I took care of during this field service and poor girl has been put through the ringer. For all her time on the ward, she has always been strong willed and loving towards the nurses. She's still is a teenage girl mind you. Sometimes I'd come on shift, and she'd be "mad" at me, or giving me side-eye. Then write me notes or songs, and want to hug and hold hands. She'd get jealous of spending time or playing games with other patients. My goodness! The exhausting emotions to be a labile teenage girl again! 

Ruth and her mom prior to admission

Ruth's legs getting wrapped by Rehab

But in the end, she had a little sign by her bed where she wrote the names of her 3 nurse BFF's. And I was one of them! AH! How cool am I?! hahahah I now maybe understand a small part of when parents are finally cool to their kids. Why I care that I'm cool to Ruth is beyond me. But it was a sweet kind gesture and made me feel like I'm actually connecting to these kids, and maybe making a difference in their hardships here. 

Ruth and girl gang!

She wrote me a valentine on Valentines day, gave me a sorry note one day when she was mad, wrote me a goodbye note when I left, and has a million silly filter photos on her phone she took of us during my time. I'm sad I won't be able to see her full course of treatment, or be there for her when she walks or discharges, but I'm happy to know she's in good hands with my fellow crew mates who love her as much as I do. 

Ruth laughing at our dancing during Veranda time

The salone song Ruth assigned to me and we'd dance to!


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