Meet the Kids!


You guys can actually see SOME proof of what I am doing. Unfortunately, (but understandably), photos are not allowed to be taken inside the hospital. Which means I do not have any personal photos to share. HOWEVER, these are some approved photos from Mercy Ships crew and communications team that I can post with you all :)

And these are some of the cuties I get to help take care of and know personally! The Mercy Ships crew follows the kids journey and includes photos of their home life, pre-op, and rehab/care. 


One of the hardest things for me to get used to, is entertaining these guys all day! Since most have bilateral (or both legs) operated on, they are pretty much confined to their beds. Until they start rolling around like this guy! 

Who (by the way) is already discharged and up and walking with rehab!! 

So I've played multiple games of Uno, Connect Four, Bingo, and lots of coloring! And while they may have both of their legs casted, these kids (and their caregivers) still love to party and DANCE!!!! I cannot tell you how many times we listen to "Waka Waka" by Shakira on a DAILY BASIS!! 

ANDDDDD it's their song of choice we listen to and dance to when a patient is discharged from our care!! It gets played on a speaker and everyone (that can join) comes and dances in the hallways and follows our discharged patients out of the ward and to the low care unit (aka discharge unit) to support them on their journey!! It's a celebratory party! And I'm so grateful I've been able to see kids through their journey, from pre-op, to post-op, to rehab, and to discharge. 


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