Panic settled in.

Bed bugs are an ER nurse's worst nightmare.  I will take C-Diff, COVID, Flu, diarrhea, TB, anything! But bed bugs?!?! And now I was so nervous I had them too hahahah

Trying not to panic, I decided to go onboard to crew clinic and ask them. I woke with some bites on one arm after being back on the ship, and thought, "maybe they'll give me some trash bags and new sheets and just tell me to wash my clothes or something". But unfortunately I started a cycle talking to them that I could not jump out of after! They looked at my arm, and thought I could potentially have bed bugs, and then said they were going to move me and my new roommate (god bless her-brand new to the boat, and was concerned about getting off and into town as she is newer to traveling and is in Africa by herself, and didn't go to Banana Island) to an isolation room for a day, and have to fumigate our room, etc. And they wanted to know who I was with on Banana Island. Ugh. I should've just kept my mouth shut. hahahah But no. In the end, when I think about it, I'd rather be safe than sorry not sorry?!

Anyways, before moving me to isolation, they decided to look at my bed FIRST. They didn't see anything (and I had never seen anything either) so I was then "cleared", and they said they will just have someone come and deep clean the room (not fumigate) and steam our fabrics/mattress and just wash everything again. And to just let them know if anything changes or gets worse. HALLELUJAH! So here I am, in the cafe while they clean our room. 2 days after returning from Banana Island. 

What I haven't told them...and I'm sure it's just some bug or something from before, is that I woke with more bites to my ankles and left arm this morning. I'm sure they are old, and I just didn't realize them before. Or maybe I got them last night outside while reading. But stay tuned. 


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