5 days till I leave?!? Let the panic settle in.

still have not packed AT ALL and am pretty much at a loss on WHAT to pack. I need to make sure the clothes I pack are “appropriate” to the culture of Mercy Ships and Sierra Leone, and that I don’t offend anyone. So, what’s the weather like? Do I need to pack “business” or church clothes? Do I need laundry pods/soap? Do I need an outlet adapter? What voltage?! How much time do I get off the ship? How long are my hours? Can I travel far and need an overnight bag? Are bathrooms shared? Do I need shower shoes/caddy? Do I need my own towel?! Should I buy cell service? Should I take foreign currency? What is the currency?!? 

Hm. All good questions that should be answered in time. 

But until then, happy new year!! And may your year and life be full of wonder and adventure! 


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