Tears of...Joy?!

I am so ready to start heading home. As the end is in sight, and I’m missing Garet, it’s so easy for me to want to go home and be comfortable. 

And then there’s times like today. Where I walk down to the ward (on my day off mind you!) and the kids yelling “JENNA!!” when they see me walk in. And the parents speaking Mende to me and calling me Aminata, their nickname they’ve given for me. And asking for “snaps” or photos with their kids. And kids placing stickers on my forehead they’ve collected and writing notes. Feels wonderful to be welcomed and loved, you don’t get that often in the ER 😂

I came down to join in the celebration “waka” (walk) off the ship for our discharged kids. And there’s music, and all the families from the wards and chaplaincy, and nurses cheering and dancing and singing in joy for our kids who have healed well enough to continue home. And I’m brought to tears. I’m currently weeping in silence writing this. This cold ER nurse, with little want for connection, cannot help but feel…joy and sadness? For being apart of these kiddos journey and their family’s lives. I feel so incredibly honored, to have met these beautiful people and be a smalllll part of their healing. They may not remember me, but I know for sure, I will not forget them, or this small cherished time. 


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