First day of school vibes!

I felt like a child the night before going to Disneyland. I could not sleep last night. I was so anxious? Excited? Nervous? Just too wound up to relax and sleep well. But here we go anyways…

First shift I ever had was on a Friday, when they wear fun scrubs! My parents bought me this scrub shirt from Hawaii when I first became a nurse 💕 I have a few at home and decided to bring one to donate to the ward after my service! So let’s get to it!!

Day one was amazing. I was orienting today and technically had 2 patients. But our other patient went to OR first thing in the morning and was gone my entire shift. And my second patient was so cute!!! 💕 she was post operative day 1 and was tolerating the procedure well. Strict bedrest, so wasn’t able to get out of bed or ambulate yet. We colored and talked and hung out. She only had one of her legs operated on so wasn’t as big of a procedure as some other kids. Honestly it felt…too easy? Too good? I’m nervous for my next shift since things tend to go wrong when you don’t have as many resources, and I won’t have a preceptor then! I like for it to be more complicated when I have a preceptor, because then I know how to handle things when I DONT have one! Hahah if that makes sense? But I guess the good thing as a nurse is that you’re never alone. So I’m sure there will be other help around for us 💕 

At shift change, day shift takes all the patients from all wards that are NOT on bedrest out to the veranda for an hour/hour and a half outside time. It’s great! There’s music, and little bicycles, and the patients alll love it since they think it’s freezing in the wards with the AC 😂 they all have proper winter coats and beanies on while in the hospital. And if they live further away from Freetown (inland tribes in Sierra Leone) they even think it’s cold outside! It’s 85 degrees with 80% humidity…we talk, play games, listen to music. It’s great because we also have “day crew” on the wards, who are local people who assist with translating and nursing care, and help facilitate community with our patients and their families. Today, day crew decided to give me a “Sierra Leone” name, and called me Aminata 😂 which hopefully is a good thing!! And they gave me a last name, and a region, and a tribe! And we were just all joking around and enjoying the outdoors before returning to the wards. All in all, a pretty successful first day 💕 stay tuned for more shenanigans! 


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