Two Weeks: "Back to Back" Shifts

 Two weeks in! And all is well on the boat. 

Finally getting into the groove of ship nursing a little bit more, getting to know the kids, and they are finally becoming their little gremlin selves again! Most are 4-5 days post op or more, and they are up and awake and wanting to wheel around in wheelchairs and play games and "dance" and are more active! Which is GREAT!!!! But also terrible for my back hahah. 

So many of our kids have both of their legs casted, which means they are still not walking, and have to be lifted to and from bed. To and from the wheelchair. To and from the toilet. To and from the bedpan. We only work 8 hour shifts on the boat, but I worked 3 day shifts in a row and let me tell you...I was tired. And my back was tired. I don't think I'm out of shape...but I'm also not used to lifting 100 lbs kids up and down for 8 hours a day, 4 days a week. Also, we never got training on how to properly lift these kids with their casts and appropriate body mechanics. We don't have mobility equipment found in a lot of 1st world hospitals (ie hovermats, sara steadys, etc that you may know if you work healthcare). So I'm just kinda winging it and doing the best I can. 

But C-Ward (the kiddo ortho ward i'm working on) is known as the "loud" ward. We have a ton of kids. Always music. Kids rolling around in their wheelchairs. Arts and crafts going on. Games of Uno and Jenga and balloons bouncing around. I mean, think about it. If you had both of your legs casted for 6-8weeks,  and you couldn't leave your room, I would be sooooooo bored! The least we could do is try to provide them with some distraction and playfulness. 

As much as I am tired, I am also very much enjoying my co-workers and kiddos. Life is pretty chill on the boat so far! 


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