Me?! An Orienter?!

Me?! An Orienter?! SHUT UP. 2 weeks in! And the nurse educator has asked me to orient a new staff member to the unit and help them mam. I'M NEW . I need to adjust! I don't know what I'm doing either! But I guess I never really know what I'm doing so thats not new. My poor mother always gets asked questions about, "How's Jenna? What's she up to? What's new?" and she never knows how to answer because I'm a terrible communicator and I also don't know what I'm doing in life either. hahaha. But here we are! Lucky for me, I've just learned to say yes to things that interest me and I find that for the most part, things always work out. I truly believe there are more good people in the world than there are bad. And that the world is rigged to work in your favor if you put your best foot forward. And so far, it's worked out for me. I love my life. I love my family. I love my job. And I love my friends and fiance who have...